Forty Elite Hockey League
  Forty Elite Hockey LeagueForty Elite Hockey League


Stars of the Week - Summer 2024 Week 6

1 - Conor Farrell - 3G (Aeros)
2 - Patrick Russell - 29 Saves, Incredible Performance vs U of H (Aeros)
3 - Mark Zyskowski - 3A (Roadrunners)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2024 Week 5

1 - Eric Massaro - 2G, 4A (Roadrunners)
2 - Owen Lisac - 3G, 1A (Toros)
3 - Chris Sejman - 3A(Toros)


Stars of the Week - Summer 2024 Week 4

1 - Ryan Wilck - 1G, Shootout Winner (Roadrunners)
2 - Geoff Gray - 2G, 1A (Nordiques)
3 - TJ Verdone - 3G, 2A(Oilers)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2024 Week 3

1 - Will DuBois - 3G, 1A (Blades)
2 - Daniel Takahashi - 1G, 3A (Blades)
3 - Josh Hendrickson - Goalie Assist! (Roadrunners)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2024 Week 2

1 - Josh Hendrickson - 2 GA, .946 SV%(Roadrunners)
2 - Donte Jenkins - 3G, 1A (Nordiques)
3 - Johnathan Talor - 3GA, .914 SV%(Oilers)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2024 Week 1

1 - Bjorn Larsen - 2G, GWG (Nordiques)
2 - Terry Child - 1G, 2A (Roadrunners)
3 - Maksim Egorov - 3G (Aeros)

Blades - Spring 2024 Champions

Congratulations to the Blades for their hard fought win, and securing their first ever FEHL Championship!

Stars of the Week - Spring 2024 Week 8

1 - Eric Massaro - 3G, 1A (Toros)
2 - Cole Gerletti - 4G (Blades)
3 - Marc Vogt - 1GA, .969 SV% (Toros)

All Games Cancelled July 8th!

Stars of the Week - Spring 2024 Week 7

1 - Chris Wyatt - 40 Saves, plus all 4 in shootout (Cowboys)
2 - Jayden Munoz - 4G, 2A (Blades)
3 - Donte Jenkinsi - 3G (Nordiques)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2024 Week 6

1 - Nick Morse - 3G (Cowboys)
2 - Derek Bonn - 2G, 1A (Blades)
3 - Cole Gerletti - 2G, 2A (Blades)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2024 Week 5

1 - Eric Massaro - 3G, 2A, GWG (Toros)
2 - Marc Vogt - 42 Saves, .933 SV% (Toros)
3 - Nordiques - Comeback win from being down 5-1!

Stars of the Week - Spring 2024 Week 4

1 - Jayden Munoz - 3G, 2A, 2 PIM (Blades)
2 - Eric Froton - 3G (Nordiques)
3 - Nick Morse -3G, 2A (Cowboys)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2024 Week 3

1 - Daniel Takahashi - 2G, 3A, 2 PIM, GWG (Cowboys)
2 - Parker Monterubio - 1G, 1A (Aeros)
3 - Josh Hendrickson - 57 Save W (+8 Shootout saves) (Roadrunners)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2024 Week 2

1 - Josh Hendrickson - 37 Save Shutout (Roadrunners)
2 - Nick Morse - 2G, 2A, GWG (Cowboys)
3 - Stephen Hebert - 2G, 2A (Cowboys)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2024 Week 1

1 - Jayden Munoz - 3G, 1A, GWG (Blades)
2 - Tony Eaton - 2G, 1A (Aeros)
3 - Eric Froton - 1G, 2A (Nordiques)

Aeros are Back to Back Champions

Congratulations to the Aeros for winning their second championship in a row!

Stars of the Week - Winter 2024 Week 11

1 - Steve Hebert - 5G (Aeros)
2 - Michael Baldisserotto - 3G, 2A (Blades)
3 - Eric Massaro - 2G (Roadrunners)
Hon. Mention - Marc Vogt - 4 GA, 48 saves (Toros)

Stars of the Week - Winter 2024 Week 10

1 - Daniel Takahashi - 3G (Aeros)
2 - Michael Baldisserotto - 2G, 1A (Blades)
3 - TJ Verdone - 2G (Nordiques)

Stars of the Week - Winter 2024 Week 9

1 - Eric Froton - 2G, 1A (Nordiques)
2 - Tony Sweeney - 2G (Cowboys)
3 - Steve Hebert - 1G, 3A (Aeros)

Stars of the Week - Winter 2024 Week 8

1 - Will DuBois - 3G (Roadrunners)
2 - Josh Hendrickson - 1GA, 35 saves (Blades)
3 - Jonathan Talor - 3GA, 37 saves (Aeros)

Stars of the Week - WInter 2024 Week 7

1 - Jason Klotz - 3G (Cowboys)
2 - Daniel Takahashi - 2G, 1A (Aeros)
3 - Russ McGowen - 2G, 1A (Nordiques)

Stars of the Week - Winter 2024 - Week 1

1 - Alex Grenier - 2G, 1A (Toros)
2 - Shaun Hopkins - 2G, 1A (Blades)
3 - Steve Dobbs - 2G, 1A (Nordiques)

Stars of the Week - Winter 2024 - Week 6

1 - Eric Froton - 3G, 1A (Nordiques)
2 - Scott Harlin - 1G, 4A (Cowboys)
3 - Ti Shuman - GWG shootout (Blades)

Stars of the Week - Winter 2024 - Week 5

1 - Alex Jeffries - 2G, GWG (Aeros)
2 - Terry Child - 1G, 2A (Blades)
3 - David Steadman - 1G, 1A (Toros)

Stars of the Week - Winter 2024 Week 4

1 - Donte Jenkins - 3G, 1A, GWG shootout (Toros)
2 - Alex Jeffries - 2G (Aeros)
3 - Doug Black - 2G (Cowboys)

Stars of the Week - Winter 2024 Week 3

1 - Dustin Shulz - 2G, 3A (Nordiques)
2 - Conor Farrell - 3G, 1A (Toros)
3 - Erin Runey - 2G, 1A (Cowboys)
Honorable Mention
Chris Wyatt 53 saves (Roadrunners)

Stars of the Week - Winter 2024 Week 2

1 - Eric Massaro - 3G (Roadrunners)
2 - Marc Vogt - 47 saves, 2GA (Toros)
3 - Josh Hendrickson - 48 saves, 2GA (Blades)

FEHL Fall 2023 Championship Game

Congratulations to the Aeros for winning the Fall 2023 Championship.
It was an impressive season for the boys in green, who capped off their season with a dominant playoff run. The Aeros outscored their playoff opponents by a whopping 19GF to 5GA. Drink a nice cold beer and enjoy some one-on-one time with the Steady Cup!

FEHL Stars of the Week - Fall 2023 Playoffs Week 2

1 - Josh Hendrickson - 38 save shutout (Nordiques)
2 - Will DuBois - 4G, 1A (Aeros)

FEHL Stars of the Week - Fall 2023 Playoffs Week 1

1 - Michael MacDonald - 4G (Toros)
2 - Doug Black - GWG with 1 min left (Blades)

FEHL Stars of the Week - Fall 2023 Week 11

1 - Eric Massaro - 3G, 1A (Nordiques)
2 - Joseph Griffith - 3G (Aeros)
3 - Nick Morse GWG shootout (Blades)

FEHL Stars of the Week - Fall 2023 Week 10

1 - Dante Jenkins - 1A, GWG shootout (Aeros)
2 - Ed Hirt - 1G, 1A, GWG shootout (Nordiques)
3 - Mark Curwin - GWG shootout (Cowboys)

FEHL Stars of the Week - Fall 2023 Week 9

1 - Kevin Ambrosi - 2G, 2A (Blades)
2 - Joseph Griffith - 2G, 1A (Aeros)
3 - Trevor Bestwick - 1G, GWG shootout (Roadrunners)

FEHL Stars of the Week - Fall 2023 Week 8

1 - Jason Klotz - 5G (Blades)
2 - Alex Jeffries (sub) - 2G, 2A (Aeros)
3 - David Steadman - 2G, 2A (Toros)

FEHL Stars of the Week - Fall 2023 Week 7

1 - Kevin Kokoski - 2G, 2A (Cowboys)
2 - Geoff Gray - 2G, 1A (Aeros)
3 - David Bowman - 2G (Toros)

FEHL Stars of the Week - Fall 2023 Week 6

1 - Scott Harlin - 3G, 3A (Nordiques)
2 - Donte Jenkins - 2G, 1A (Aeros)
3 - Kent Neuman - 1G, 4A (Roadrunners)

FEHL Stars of the Week - Fall 2023 Week 5

1 - Eric Massaro - 3G (Nordiques)
2 - Donte Jenkins - 3G (Aeros)
3 - Michael Baldisserotto - 2G, 1A (Toros)

FEHL Stars of the Week - Fall 2023 Week 4

1 - Ed Hirt - 4G (Nordiques)
2 - Conor Farrell - 3G, 2A (Aeros)
3 - David Bowman - 3G, 1A (Toros)

FEHL Stars of the Week - Fall 2023 Week 3

1 - Mario Runco - 2G, 2A (Roadrunners)
2 - Jacob Zalomski - 2G, 2A (Blades)
3 - Eric Massaro - 2G (Nordiques)

FEHL Stars of the Week - Fall 2023 Week 2

1 - Alex Jeffries (sub) - 3G, 2A (Aeros)
2 - Nick Lioudakis (sub) - 3G, 1A (Roadrunners)
3 - Eric Massaro - 2G (Nordiques)

FEHL Stars of the Week - Fall 2023 Week 1

1 - Eric Massaro - 5G, 1A (Nordiques)
2 - Michael Baldisserotto - 2G (Toros)
3 - Bjorn Larsen - 2G (Blades)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2023 Championship Game

Scott Harlin - 3G, 1A GWG (Roadrunners)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2023 Playoffs - Week 1

1 - Kevin Kokoski - 3G, 2A GWG (Roadrunners)
2 - Mike Lundquist - 2G, 3A (Blades)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2023 - Week 10

1 - Peter Berg - 3G, 2A (Cowboys)
2 - Scott Harlin - 2G, 3A (Roadrunners)
3 - Chris Browne - 1G, 3A (Nordiques)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2023 - Week 9

1 - Kevin Kokoski - 4G, 1A (Roadrunners)
2 - Jake Modaro - 3G, 3A (Cowboys)
3 - Parker Monterubio - 1G, 2A (Aeros)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2023 - Week 8

1 - Scott Harlin - 3G, 1A (Roadrunners)
2 - Nick Lioudakis (sub) - 2G, 4A (Toros)
3 - Nick Lioudakis (sub) - 3G (Nordiques)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2023 - Week 7

1 - Brad Orr - 3G (Cowboys)
2 - Tony Sweeney - 1G, 4A (Blades)
3 - Jason Klotz - 2G, 2A (Nordiques)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2023 - Week 6

1 - Mike Harrison - 3G (Toros)
2 - Jason Hamilton - 8-0 Shutout Win (Blades)
3 - Scott Harlin - 1G, 3A (Roadrunners)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2023 - Week 5

1 - Paul Morse - 3G, 2A (Cowboys)
2 - Tony Sweeney - 3G (Blades)
3 - John Newman - 1G, GWG shootout (Roadarunners)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2023 - Week 4

1 - Scott Harlin - 2G, 2A (Roadrunners)
2 - Peter Berg - 2G (Cowboys)
3 - Jon King (sub) - 43 saves (Toros)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2023 - Week 3

1 - Shaun Hopkins - 3G, 1A (Cowboys)
2 - Scott Harlin - 3G (Roadrunners)
3 - Mike Harrison - 2G, 1A (Toros)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2023 - Week 2

1 - Mike Lundquist - 2G, 2A (Blades)
2 - Dustin Schulz - 2G (Cowboys)
3 - David Rubinstein - 1G, 2A (Aeros)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2023 - Week 1

1 - Parker Monterubio - 2G, 2A (Aeros)
2 - Nick Liuodakis - 2G, 1A (Toros)
3 - Jake Modaro - 2G, 1A (Cowboys)

No games July 3rd!

New season commences July 10th
Enjoy the holiday!

Spring 2023 Championhip

Nordiques Back-to-Back Champions!

Congratulations to the Nordiques for winning the Spring 2023 Championship!

It required an overtime goal by Mike Lundquist (2G) to decide this thriller.

Stars of the Game:

1 - Mike Lundquist - 2G - GWG in OT (Nordiques)
2 - Josh Griffith - 43 saves (Nordiques)
3 - Brad Hildebrand - 1G (Nordiques)

Stars of the Game - Spring 2023 Playoffs - Week 1

1 - Nick Lioudakis - 4G (Toros)
2 - Chris Browne - GWG Shootout (Nordiques)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2023 - Week 10

1 - Nick Lioudakis - 4G, 2A (Toros)
2 - Chris Browne - 4G, 2A (Nordiques)
3 - Alex Jeffries - 3G, 2A (Aeros)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2023 - Week 9

1 - Alex Jeffries - 2G, 3A (Cowboys)
2 - Bryan Spencer 49 saves - (Fighting Saints)
3 - Ed Hirt - 2G, 1A (Toros)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2023 - Week 8

1 - Eric Massaro - 4G, 1A (Blazers)
2 - Will DuBois - 2G, GWG (Aeros)
3 - Mike Lundquist - 4G (Nordiques)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2023 - Week 7

1 - Donte Jenkins - 3G, 4A (Cowboys)
2 - Alex Jeffires - 2G, 1A (Aeros)
3 - Eric Massaro - 2G, 1A (Blazers)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2023 - Week 6

1 - Mike Lundquist - 3G (Nordiques)
2 - Scott Harlin - 2G (Fighting Saints)
3 - Jason Klotz - GWG Shootout (Toros)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2023 - Week 5

1 - Marc Vogt - 1GA, 38 saves (Cowboys)
2 - Chris Browne - GWG shootout (Nordiques)
3 - Jake Modaro - 2G, 2A (Toros)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2023 - Week 4

1 - David Bowman - 4G, 1A (Toros)
2 - Russell McKinnon - 2G, 1A (Fighting Saints)
3 - Mario Runco - GWG (Blazers)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2023 - Week 3

1 - Ryan Wilck - 2G, 2A (Fighting Saints)
2 - Tony Sweeney - 1G, 1A (Blazers)
3 - Jake Modaro - 2G, 2A (Toros)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2023 - Week 2

1 - Alex Jeffries - 4G, 2A (Aeros)
2 - Eric Massaro - 3G, 2A (Blazers)
3 - Yevgeniy Nikulin - 1G, 4A GWG (Cowboys)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2023 - Week 1

1 - Alex Jeffries - 3G (Aeros)
2 - Eric Massaro - 2G, 1A (Blazers)
3 - Justin Jeffrey - 2G, 1A (Nordiques)

Winter 2023 Championship Game

Congratulations to the Nordiques for winning the Winter 2023 Championship in a thrilling game. It was locked up at 3-3 until Donte Jenkins scored the go ahead goal with just over 2 minutes left in the game. Ed Hirt added an empty-netter to seal it a minute later!

Stars of the Week - Winter 2023 - Week 10

1 - Jonathan Talor - 6-0 Shutout (Aeros)
2 - Billy Vranish - 3G, 1A (Nordiques)
3 - Jake Modaro - 1G, 1A (Cowboys)

Stars of the Week - Winter 2023 - Week 9

1 - Jake Modaro - 3G (Cowboys)
2 - Ryan Wilck - 2G, 1A (Fighting Saints)
3 - Terry Child - 1G, 1A (Blazers)

Stars of the Week - Winter 2023 - Week 8

1 - Jason Klotz - 3G, 2A (Blazers)
2 - Kevin Kokoski - 2G, 1A (Cowboys)
3 - Parker Monterubio - 1G, 1A, GWG shootout (Aeros)

Stars of the Week - Winter 2023 - Week 7

1 - Alex Jeffries - 4G, 2A (Aeros)
2 - Will DuBois - 2G (Blazers)
3 - Auston Nelson - 1G, 2A (Toros)

Stars of the Week - Winter 2023 - Week 6

1 - Scott Harlin - 2G, 2A (Nordiques)
2 - Alex Jeffries - 2G (Aeros)
3 - Mike Harrison - 3G (Toros)

Stars of the Week - Winter 2023 - Week 5

1 - Billy Vranish - 2G, 2A (Nordiques)
2 - Chris Sejman - 2G, 2A (Toros)
3 - Jake Modaro - 1G, 1A (Cowboys)

Stars of the week - Winter 2023 - Week 4

1 - Andrew Macdonald - 3GA, 51 saves (Cowboys)
2 - Zach Mellick - 4G, 2A (Fighting Saints)
3 - Doug Black - 2G, 1A (Blazers)

Stars of the Week - Winter 2023 - Week 3

1 - William DuBois - 1G, 1A (Blazers)
2 - Daniel Takahashi - 2G, 1A (Cowboys)
3 - Dante Jenkins - 2G, 1A (Nordiques)

Stars of the Week - Winter 2023 - Week 2

1 - Ryan Wilck - 3G, 2A (Fighting Saints)
2 - Parker Monterubio - 2G (Aeros)
3 - Donte Jenkins - 1G - GWG Shootout (Nordiques)

Stars of the Week - Winter 2023 - Week 1

1 - Noah Janofsky - 4G, 1A (Blazers)
2 - Zach Mellick - 2G, 2A (Fighting Saints)
3 - Jake Modaro - GWG (Cowboys)

Fall 2022 Playoffs - Championship Game

Congratulations to the Cowboys for winning the Fall 2022 Championship. It was a nail biter until Jake Modaro (2G, 1A) broke a 2-2 tie, with what turned out to be the game winning goal, late in the 3rd period.

Stars of the Week - Fall 2022 Playoffs - Week 1

1 - Marc Vogt - 1GA, 36 Saves (Toros)
2 - Andrew Macdonald - 2GA, 37 Saves (Cowboys)

Stars of the Week - Fall 2022 - Week 10

1 - Shaun Hopkins - 3G, 5A (Cowboys)
2 - Maksim Egorov - GWG shootout (Fighting Saints)
3 - Jason Klotz - 1G, 2A (Blazers)

Stars of the Week - Fall 2022 - Week 9

1 - Jake Modaro - 3G, 1A (Cowboys)
2 - Parker Monterubio - 3G, 1A (Aeros)
3 - Daniel Takahashi - 2G, 1A (Blazers)

Stars of the Week - Fall 2022 - Week 8

1 - Mike Shaw - 2G, 1A (Nordiques)
2 - Bill Helander - GWG shootout (Aeros)
3 - Jason Klotz - GWG shootout (Blazers)

Stars of the Week - Fall 2022 - Week 7

1 - Guy Mason - 4G (Blazers)
2 - Shaun Hopkins - GWG shootout (Cowboys)
3 - Anthony "TJ" Verdone - GWG shootout (Nordiques)

Stars of the Week - Fall 2022 - Week 6

1 - Russ Mckinnon - 2G, 1A (Aeros)
2 - Doug Black - 1G, 2A (Blazers)
3 - Corey Schrader - GWG shootout (Fighting Saints)

Stars of the Week - Fall 2022 - Week 5

1 - Donte Jenkins - 3G, 1A (Blazers)
2 - Noah Janofsky - 2G (Toros)
3 - Daniel Takahashi - 2G (Blazers)

Stars of week - Fall 2022 - Week 4

1 - Scott Harlin - 4G (Blazers)
2 - Jake Modaro - 3G, 1A (Cowboys)
3 - Corey Schrader - GWG shootout (Fighting Saints)

Stars of the Week - Fall 2022 - Week 3

1 - Zach Wood - 52 Saves (Fighting Saints)
2 - Eric Massaro - 2G, 1A (Nordiques)
3 - Peter Berg - 1G, 1A (Cowboys)

Stars of the Week - Fall 2022 - Week 2

1 - Marc Vogt - 50 Saves (Toros)
2 - Alex Jeffries - 3G, 2A (Aeros)
3 - Kevin Kokoski - 3G, 1A (Cowboys)

Stars of the Week - Fall 2022 - Week 1

1 - Scott Harlin - 3G (Blazers)
2 - Mike Skuce - 2G, 1A (Fighting Saints)
3 - Sturgis Sobin - GWG (Toros)

Aeros are Summer 2022 Champions!

Congratulations to the Aeros for winning the summer 2022 championship.
It was a hard fought battle against a feisty Blazers team who took an early 2-1 lead only to have the Aeros show their grit by, charging back to win 5-4.

Stars of the Week - Summer 2022 Playoffs - Week 1

1 - Luke Pajer - 3G, 1A (Aeros)
2 - Jason Klotz - 2G (Blazers)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2022 Week 10

1 - Marc Vogt - 43 Save Shutout (Toros)
2 - Luke Pajer - 6G (Aeros)
3 - Jason Klotz - 3G, 2A (Blazers)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2022 Week 9

1 - William DuBois - 3G (Fighting Saints)
2 - Chris Browne - 3G (Aeros)
3 - Steve McLaughlin - GWG (Blazers)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2022 Week 8

1 - Luke Pajer - 6G (Aeros)
2 - Nick Pasley - 3G (Toros)
3 - Sean Bingel - 2G (Blazers)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2022 Week 7

1 - Michael Baldisserotto - 3G, 1A (Nordiques)
2 - Luke Pajer - 3G (Aeros)
3 - Nick Pasley - 2G, 1A (Toros)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2022 Week 6

1 - Scott Harlin - 3G, 2A (Nordiques)
2 - Alex Jeffries - 3G, 2A (Aeros)
3 - Doug Black - GWG Shootout (Blazers)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2022 Week 5

1 - Shaun Hopkins - 3G, 1A (Toros)
2 - Jason Klotz - 2G, 2A (Blazers)
3 - Bryan Spencer - 45 saves (Fighting Saints)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2022 Week 4

1 - Jason Hamilton - Shutout (Nordiques)
2 - Zach Wood - 47 Saves (Blazers)
3 - Erin Runey - 2G (Fighting Saints)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2022 Week 3

1 - Michael Baldisserotto - 3G (Nordiques)
2 - Matthew McLaughlin - 2G, 2A (Blazers)
3 - Kevin Kokoski - 2G, 1A (Cowboys)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2022 Week 2

1 - Luke Pajer - 3G, 4A (Aeros)
2 - Nathan Reese - 2G, 1A (Fighting Saints)
3 - Yad Jayanth - GWG Shootout (Toros)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2022 Week 1

1 - Guy Mason - 3G (Fighting Saints)
2 - Mike Lundquist - 3G (Cowboys)
3 - Russell McKinnon - 2G, 1A (Toros)

FEHL Spring 2022 Championship Game

Congratulations to the Cowboys for winning the Spring 2022 Championship! Kevin Kokoski led the scoring with 3 goals and 1 assist while, Andrew MacDonald stood on his head stopping 48 of 50 shots!

Stars of the Week - Spring 2022 - Week 9

1 - Mike Lundquist - 4G, 2A (Cowboys)
2 - Kristina Block - 1G, 1A (Aeros)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2022 - Week 8

1 - Scott Harlin - 4G, 2A (Aeros)
2 - Matt McLaughlin - 2G, 2A (Blazers)
3 - Darby Runey - GWG Shootout (Fighting Saints)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2022 - Week 7

1 - Peter Berg - 3G (Cowboys)
2 - Scott Harlin - 2G, 2A (Aeros)
3 - David Bowman - 1G, 2A (Nordiques)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2022 - Week 6

1 - Chris Browne - 2G, 3A (Aeros)
2 - John Newman - 2G, 1A (Blazers)
3 - Carl Sasyn - 2G (Toros)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2022 - Week 5

1 - Nick Pasley - 2G, 4A (Toros)
2 - Scott Knowles - 1G, 3A (Cowboys)
3 - Jonathan Talor - 42 Saves

Stars of the Week - Spring 2022 - Week 4

1 - Mario Runco - 5G, 1A (Blazers)
2 - Jim Tatem - 3G, 1A (Nordiques)
3 - Mike Lundquist - 1G, 3A (Cowboys)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2022 - Week 3

1 - Michael Baldisserotto - 3G (Nordiques)
2 - Matt McLaughlin 1G, 3A (Blazers)
3 - Kristina Block - 3A (Aeros)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2022 - Week 2

1 - Scott Knowles - 3G (Cowboys)
2 - Scott Harlin - 2G, 1A (Aeros)
3 - Matt McLaughlin - 2G (Blazers)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2022 Week 1

1 - Andrew MacDonald - 53 Saves (Cowboys)
2 - Nathan Reese - 2G, 1A (Fighting Saints)
3 - Michael Cooper - 2G (Nordiques)

FEHL WInter 2022 Championship

Congratulations to the FEHL Stars for winning the Winter 2022 Championship with goalie Andrew McDonald, recording a 5-0 shutout against the Blazers.

Stars of the Week - Winter 2022 - Playoffs Week 1

1 - Preston Van Winkle - 3G, 2A (FEHL Stars)
2 - Tony Sweeney - 2G (Blazers)

Stars of the Week - Winter 2022 - Week 11

1 - Alex Jeffires - 3G, 1A (Aeros)
2 -Matthew McLaughlin - 2G, 1A (Bulls)
3 - Preston Van Winkle - 2G (FEHL Stars)

Stars of the Week - Winter 2022 - Week 10

1 - Terry Child - 3G, 1A (Bulls)
2 - Kevin Kokoski - 2G, 3A (Blazers)
3 - Alex Jeffries - 1G, 1A GWG (Aeros)

Stars of the Week - Winter 2022 Week 9

1 - Billy Vranish - 4G, 1A (Nordiques)
2 - Li Quan - 3G, 1A (Bulls)
3 - Michael Cooper - 2G, 1A (Fighting Saints)

Stars of the Week - Winter 2022 Week 8

1 - - Mark Zyskowski GWG, Shootout (Nordiques)
2 - Kevin Kokoski - 1G, 4A (Blazers)
3 - - Alex Jeffries 2G, GWG Shootout (Aeros)

Stars of the Week - Winter 2022 - Week 7

1 - Nathan Reese - 2G (Fighting Saints)
2 - Jake Modaro - 2G (Blazers)
3 - Chris Browne - 2G (Aeros)

Stars of the Week - Winter 2022 Week 6

1 - Dustin Shulz - 2G, 2A (FEHL Stars)
2 - Tony Sweeney - 2G, 1A (Blazers)
3 - Theron Johnson - 1G, 1A GWG (Bulls)

Stars of the Week - Winter 2022 Week 5

1 - Nathan Reese - 4G, 2A (Fighting Saints)
2 - Billy Vranish - 4G, 1A (Nordiques)
3 - Andrew MacDonald - 2GA, 27 Saves (FEHL Stars)

Stars of the Week - Winter 2022 Week 4

1 - Patrick Russell - 2GA, 42 Saves (Fighting Saints)
2 - Dustin Shulz - 2G, 1A (FEHL Stars)
3 - Marc Gerletti - 2GA, 22 Saves (Blazers)

Stars of The Week - Winter 2022 Week 3

1 - Jonathan Talor - 2GA, 24 Saves (Aeros)
2 - Taz Frase - 2G (FEHL Stars)
3 - Daniel Takahashi - 1G, 2A (Nordiques)

Stars Of The Week - Winter 2022 Week 2

1 - Michael Baldisserotto - 3G (Nordiques)
2 - Taz Frase - 2G, 2A (FEHL Stars)
3 - Mike Lundquist - 2G (Blazers)

Stars of the Week - Winter 2022 Week 1

1 - Michael Cooper - 3G, 1A (Fighting Saints)
2 - Preston VanWinkle - 3G, 1A (FEHL Stars)
3 - Alex Jeffries - 2G, 1A (Aeros)

Stars of the Week - Fall 2021 Playoffs Week 1

1 - Mike Lundquist - 3G, 3A (Blazers)
2 - Joe Groom - 3G, 3A (Aeros)

Stars of the Week - Fall 2021 Week 8

1 - Michael Cooper - 3G (Blazers)
2 - Jim Tatem - 2G, 1A (Bulls)
3 - Alex Jeffries - 1G, 1A (Aeros)

Stars of the Week - Fall 2021 Week 7

1 - Shaun Hopkins - 3G, 1A (Blazers)
2 - David Bowman - 2G, 1A (Nordiques)
3 - Chris Browne - 1G, 1A (Aeros)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2021 Week 6

1 - Chris Browne - 3G, 2A (Aeros)
2 - Nathan Reese - 2G, 1A (Fighting Saints)
3 - Alan Fuente - 2G, 1A (Bulls)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2021 Week 5

1 - Joe Groom - 4G, 3A (Aeros)
2 - Mike Lundquist - 4G (Blazers)
3 - Alan Fuente - GWG Shootout (Bulls)

Stars of the Week - Fall 2021 Week 4

1 - Jason Hamilton - 46 Saves (Nordiques)
2 - Shaun Hopkins - 3G, 1A (Blazers)
3 - Alex Jeffries - 2G, 1A (Aeros)

Stars of the Week - Fall 2021 Week 2

1 - David Huether - 43 Saves (Fighting Saints)
2 - Kevin Kokoski - 2G, 2A (Blazers)
3 - Brian Epp - 2G, 1A (Team FEHL)

Stars of the Week - Fall 2021 Week 1

1 - Matthew McLaughlin - 2G, 1A (Team FEHL)
2 - Jake Modaro - 2G, 1A (Blazers)
3 - Bjorn Larsen - 2G, 1A (Bulls)

Congratulations to the Bulls - Summer 2021 Season Champions!

Well, the Summer 2021 season has concluded and the championship game went down to the wire, with the Bulls holding off a furious late effort by the Blazers for a 4-3 win. Zach Wood was valiant in net coming off an injury while, Jeff Busby scored the game winning goal.

Stars of the Week - Summer 2021 Playoffs Week 2

1 - Andrew Pike - 2G, 1A (Bulls)
2 - Mike Lundquist - GWG (Blazers)
3 - Chris Browne - 2G, 1A (Aeros)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2021 Playoffs Week 1

1 - Joe Groom - 5G, 3A (Team FEHL)
2 - Peter Berg - 3G, 2A (Blazers)
3 - Eric Massaro - 1G, 3A (Nordiques)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2021 Week 9

1 - Matt "Robizz" Robertson - 3G, 2A (Bulls)
2 - Zach Wood - 25 Saves (Blazers)
3 - Joe Groom - 2G (Team FEHL)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2021 Week 7

1 - Nathan Reese - 2G, 2A (Fighting Saints)
2 - Alex Jeffries - 3G (Aeros)
3 - Zach Wood - 1GA , 28SA (Blazers)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2021 Week 6

1 - Andrew MacDonald - 38 Saves (Fighting Saints)
2 - John Newman - 1G, 3A (Blazers)
3 - Michael Baldisserotto - 2G, 1A (Nordiques)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2021 Week 5

1 - Zach Wood - 33 Saves (Blazers)
2 - Jim Tatem - GWG Shootout (Bulls)
3 - Yevgeniy Nikulin 2G (Nordiques)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2021 Week 4

1 - Matt Robertson - 3G (Bulls)
2 - David Bowman - 2G, 2A (Team FEHL)
3 - Shaun Hopkins - 2G, 1A (Blazers)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2021 Week 3

1 - Jeff Busby - GWG Shootout (Bulls)
2 - Mike Skuce - 2G, 1A (Fighting Saints)
3 - Chris Browne - 2G (Aeros)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2021 Week 2

1 - Jonathan Talor - 55 Saves (Aeros)
2 - Kevin Hall - GWG Shootout (Bulls)
3 - Bill Helander - 2G, GWG (Nordiques)

Stars of the Week - Summer 2021 Week 1

1 - Darby Runey - 1G, 2A (Aeros)
2 - Les Merriam - 2G, (Team FEHL)
3 - Jim Tatem - 1G, 1A (Bulls)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2021 Championship Game

1 - Bjorn Larsen - 2G (Team FEHL)
2 - Carl Sasyn - 1G,1A (Team FEHL)
3 - Danny Katz - 1G, 1A (Team FEHL)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2021 Playoffs Week 2

1 - Mike "BIG SHOOTZ" Skuce - GWG OT (Fighting Saints)
2 - David Huether - 34 Save Shutout (Team FEHL)
3 - Danny Katz - 3G, 1A (Team FEHL)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2021 Playoffs Week 1

1 - Steven Neveu - 5G, 3A (Fighting Saints)
2 - Patrick Russell - 42 Saves (Bulls)
3 - Zach Wood - 34 Saves (Blazers)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2021 Week 10

1 - Patrick Russell - 42 SA (Bulls)
2 - Nathan Reese - 4G, 1A (Fighting Saints)
3 - Christian Knific - 3G (Blazers)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2021 Week 9

1 - David Bowman - 2G, 2A (Team FEHL)
2 - Chris Browne - 1G, 2A (Aeros)
3 - Jake Modaro - 1,G 1A (Blazers)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2021 Week 8

1 - Jake Modaro - 4G, 3A (Blazers)
2 - Danny Katz - 3G, 1A (Team FEHL)
3 - Mike Piel - 3A (Bulls)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2021 Week 7

1 - Patrick Russell - 35 SA, 0 GA in SO (Bulls)
2 - Alex Jeffries - 3G, 1A (Aeros)
3 - Jake Modaro - 2G (Blazers)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2021 Week 6

1 - Kevin Kokoski - 3G (Blazers)
2 - Bjorn Larsen - 2G (Team FEHL)
3 - Mike Piel - GWG (Bulls)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2021 Week 5

1 - Christopher  Smolski - 2G, 2A (Team FEHL)
2 - Kristina Block - 2G (penalty shot) (Aeros)
3 - Michael  Baldisserotto - 2G (Nordiques)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2021 Week 4

1 - Adam LaBaff - 4G, 2A (Bulls)
2 - Danny Katz - 3G, 2A (Team FEHL)
3 - Darren Martineau - GWG (SO) (Fighting Saints)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2021 Week 3

1 - Jonathan Talor - 46 Saves (Aeros)
2 - Charles Knific - GWG (Blazers)
3 - Ryan Wilck - 2G, 2A (Fighting Saints)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2021 Week 2

1 - Jay Brosseau - 3G, 1A (Fighting Saints)
2 - James McDonough - 1G, 3A (Nordiques)
3 - Mark Zyskowski - GWG (SO) (Team FEHL)

Stars of the Week - Spring 2021 Week 1

1 - Danny Katz - 2G, 2A (Team FEHL)
2 - Christian Catsavis - 3G (Aeros)
3 - Jeff Busby - 1G, 2A (Bulls)

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